Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Name: Tippy and Pitty Pat

In honor of Petfinder's Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week, sleeping kitties posted here will be of the "less adoptable," variety. These kitties are "less adoptable," because they have a condition known as CH cerebellar hypoplasia. You can read more about them Here.  They can be found at Fancy Cats cat rescue located Herndon, VA.

  I hope you can find these two, or another less adoptable pet a home this week!
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  1. those two babies are precious! This just breaks my heart. I just tweeted them ((((hugs))))

  2. Oh I so wish someone sees this and can help.. I don't know about you but it's often the 'less adoptable' ones that I want to adopt even more. If only.
